Dear Debian Team,

*1) first (always) say something positive*

being a big fan of Debian since aprox 10 years

thanks for all your efforts making Debian a easy to install (universal)
reliable system, that lowers the bar for users trying to go Open Source
and GNU Linux and FreeSoftware (a migration via OSX might be a good
transition from Windows)

today was the day trying out the new Debian 11 with LTS (LTS is a reason
for users consider switching to Ubuntu, so good choice there)

*2) the problems:*

*E1: (error1) problem: Debian 11 won't install*

*tested on:*

      o hp server g6 proliant (amd64)
      o x60s laptop (i386)
  * *observed problem:*
      o network aka "the internet" (like ping works at the
      o then it loses network connection (on all nics even wifi)
      o *and setup will fail ***before "software selection" screen* with
        screenshots that can be seen here*
          + *pwd: DebuggingDebian11*
          + *
          + got isos from
              # did the sha512sum -c on all downloaded isos (so it ain't
                a download corruption problem)

*S1: (suggestion1) there needs to be an easy way to report errors*

S.1.) include a "report problem" button, that automatic generates a
report to store away any error logs (and dmesg) that is generated during
the setup on a usb drive, for easy upload to <>


S2.) (even better if network works) include a "report problem" button,
that automatic generates a report and uploads it to for
further investigation (easily accessible as a link like

*Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?*

makes debugging things very very hard

please checkout this wonderful script that should run on some console
during setup per default

which would display all errors (currently via ccze) nicely in *RED*

*for easy visual detection of problems*

PS: thanks for rss feed btw this app
allows nice following of news such as

via rss feed

On 8/17/21 10:32 AM, wrote:


mit freundlichem Gruß / best regards - enact the web
                           connect the people

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