On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:39 AM admin4 wrote:

> today was the day trying out the new Debian 11 with LTS (LTS is a reason for 
> users consider switching to Ubuntu, so good choice there)

Debian 11/bullseye is not in LTS mode yet. Debian 10/buster will be in
LTS mode in a year's time when regular security support for it ends.
Debian 11/bullseye will be in LTS mode one year after the release of
Debian 12/bookworm in approximately two year's time.

> 2) the problems:
> E1: (error1) problem: Debian 11 won't install

Please ask for help debugging this on Debian support channels and once
you know what the problem is, then file an installation report.


> S1: (suggestion1) there needs to be an easy way to report errors

The Debian bug reporting tool is called reportbug, please file issues
using it. If you don't know which package is at fault, you can ask on
our support channels to find out.


> Q1: (question1): why is there nor vi nor less included in the setup?

Sounds like a question for the support channel, but I assume it is
because nano is available, which is a user-friendly alternative to vi,
and can also replace less.



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