On 2022-02-04 at 04:00, Philip Hands wrote:

> Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> writes:
> ...
>> My impression is that people are tired of waiting on New, but no
>> one really seems to be interested in doing any work on any
>> alternative other than more bugs.
> Part of the problem is that New processing is a bit of a black box,
> so it's not clear to those of us outside the team how we could help.
> (or at least, not clear to me -- links welcome).
> As a random example, I noticed John Goerzen's post[1] about Yggdrasil
> on planet.d.o last month. John has since uploaded a package.
> As I write it's still in New[2], which is no great shock, as it's
> only been a couple of weeks.

If I read your response (and Andrei's) correctly, you're approaching
this in terms of providing copyright reviews for packages waiting in
NEW, to relieve some of the burden on the FTP team and speed up the
processing of those packages through NEW.

What I read Scott as having been suggesting, by contrast, is that people
instead do copyright review for packages already in Debian, which may
well have had changes that did not have to pass through NEW and that
might not have been able to pass the NEW copyright review.

If a practice of doing that latter were established and sufficiently
widespread, then it would not be as important to do the review for every
package in NEW, and the FTP team might feel less of a need to insist
that the review take place at that stage of things.

> On reflection, I think that removing the bottle-neck of New would be
> a mistake, as it would the remove the itch we all want to scratch.
> Instead please just provide us with the ability to scratch that itch
> and you may find that you suddenly have quite a few more volunteers.

I do, however, concur with these sentiments. Expanding the sphere of
those who can to provide reviews (if not necessarily grant approvals) to
packages in NEW might well be a good idea.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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