On Thu, Feb 03, 2022 at 09:43:16AM -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> I am a member of the FTP Team and have been participating, at least a bit, in 
> this thread.  I am not, however, speaking for the team.

Hello Scott, thank you for taking the time to follow this thread, there
are two very specific questions outstanding that those outside the FTP
team would like an answer to - if you're not willing to speak for the
team on these then please can you encourage internal discussion and
announcement of the team's opinion.

1. Is it ftpmaster's opinion and policy that there is no difference in
NEW queue review process between bin and src?
   Namely that a full copyright review is necessary to catch the kind of
issues you noticed and so it is unhelpful to ping a mention on e.g. IRC
that something only needs a lighter review.
   Alternatively, is it true that bin-NEW is primarily about
non-copyright checks and only if something looks egregiously wrong it
becomes subject to a full review which may take more time.


> I would certainly not support the notion that we have too few licensing 
> documentation bugs in the archive and we can afford to dismantle the one 
> process we have in place that actually makes a difference in this area.

That is not the challenge being made here. I don't believe anyone is
arguing that licensing documentation bugs would be anything other than
RC bugs according to policy §2.3, just that NEW processing is not the
only possible mitigation for the Debian project's legal risk.

2. Is the ftpmaster team willing and able to select someone to represent
the team in a collaboration with non-team members to seek further legal
council on the current NEW copyright practices?
   Specifically, to compile a list of questions in advance and join a
call where these questions are put, communicate the results to the team
and obviously have buy-in that any changes needed can be worked with.
   As examples, there are doubts over: the "abundance of caution"
approach to avoiding redistribution during the review; the above
mentioned copyright review for bin-NEW; whether RC licensing bugs should
be treated differently to other RC bugs.


I really hope you can help get the answers to these two questions,
because without it there doesn't seem to be a way forward for those with
time available outside the ftpmaster team.

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