Scott Kitterman <> writes:

> My impression is that people are tired of waiting on New, but no one
> really seems to be interested in doing any work on any alternative
> other than more bugs.

Part of the problem is that New processing is a bit of a black box, so
it's not clear to those of us outside the team how we could help.

(or at least, not clear to me -- links welcome).

As a random example, I noticed John Goerzen's post[1] about Yggdrasil on
planet.d.o last month. John has since uploaded a package.

As I write it's still in New[2], which is no great shock, as it's only
been a couple of weeks.

I'm quite keen to give it a spin.

So, what can we do with that enthusiasm:

  I could grab the source and build it locally.

  I could squander my enthusiasm by waiting for New.

  I could complain about not being able to download from New, and if if
  the FTP team listened to me, the enthusiasm would immediately become
  unavailable to others, as I'd not be feeling frustrated any more.

  If I knew how to do it, and there were some obvious method, I could
  contribute to reviewing the package I want to see in the archive.

On reflection, I think that removing the bottle-neck of New would be a
mistake, as it would the remove the itch we all want to scratch.

Instead please just provide us with the ability to scratch that itch and
you may find that you suddenly have quite a few more volunteers.

In the example above, eventually I will get sufficiently bored of
waiting to build the package myself, which will probably be rather more
effort than reviewing it would have been, so I'd much rather be able to
apply that effort in a way that benefits more than just me.

I fully expect the act of building my own package to precede the package
passing New by about a day :-/    I think this is a pretty depressing
scenario, which dampens the enthusiasm of all involved on each repeat.

Cheers, Phil.


|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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