On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 04:21:05PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Oct 1998, Chris Waters wrote:
> > anything more with it), but it seems to require gtk-- and gtk1.1, and
> > the two don't seem to work together at this point.
> > 
> > I think it would really be nice to get a gnome-supporting version of
> > gtk-- in before the slink freeze.  Is anyone working on this?
> Not really possible without hacking Gtk-- (which can be done, but it's
> work). Gtk-- can be built with either Gtk 1.0 or Gtk 1.1, if you install
> both things would get, uh, confused. 
> Someone could maybe fix the libtool versioning on Gtk-- to allow this.


first let me thank you for pointing this out. After my initial confusion
I think I see the issue now. We have the following situation:

a) Gtk-- 0.9.x does work with Gtk 1.0. No gnome-- support.
b) Gtk-- 0.9.x may work with Gtk 1.1 (debian package) and Gnome 0.30.1
   (debian package). Then we probably have gnome-- support.
c) Gtk-- 0.9.x may work with Gtk 1.1 (CVS) and Gnome CVS. Then we probably
   have Gnome-- support.
d) Gtk-- CVS does work with Gtk 1.1 CVS and Gnome CVS. Then we have Gnome--

Current situation is (a). My hope is that (b) will work (which I have to
try). (c) doesn't sound very good, and will probably not work. If it would,
we had one source package for both Gtk-- versions, but the gtkmm-gnome would
depend on CVS sources, which are not packaged for Debian.

The same with (d), which will most certainly work. In this case, gtkmm-gnome
would have its own source package, *but* building would require CVS sources
which are not packaged for Debian. The implication is that it could not be
included in Debian.

My suggestion is: I'll try (b). If it works, we could distribute a Debian

If it does not work (or even if it does),
I'll write some scripts for automatic building from
CVS, which can be included in the CVS tree, so developers can roll their own
version at home. I would rewrite my rules file for this (currently
debhelper, I wanted to rewrite it anyway).

How does it sound?


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