Chris Waters wrote:
> Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Just in case we misunderstand each other, you're not listed in my
> > list of new maintainers.  Thus the new-maintainer have not yet
> > received your application.
> No -- maybe I'm missing something, but the Developer's Reference seems
> to say that I should subscribe and lurk in this list for a while (done),
> then post my intentions to work on something (done), then register as a
> developer.  If I'm misreading that, then I apologize, and that last post
> should be considered an *informal* intent to package, pending my
> registration.

No, that's fine.

> The main reason my application hasn't arrived is that I still need to
> find someone to sign my key, but I live in Silicon Valley, so I expect
> that won't be difficult.  I've already got feelers out.

Ic, then I read your mail yesterday.

. Some mechanism by which we can verify your real-life identity. For
  example, any of the following mechanisms would suffice:

  - A PGP key signed by any well-known signature, such as:
    + Any current Debian developer you have met *in real life*
    + Any formal certification service (such as Verisign, etc.) that
      verifies yourself - not an email address to be valid.


  - A scanned (or physically mailed) copy of any formal documents
    certifying your identity (such as a birth certificate, national ID
    card, U.S. Driver's License, etc.).  If emailed, please sign the
    mail with your PGP key.



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