On Tue, Oct 13, 1998 at 08:23:04PM -0700, Chris Waters wrote:
> Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> > I'm working on it. But even if I get it to compile with Debian
> > sources, we still would need another soname for this.
> I was going to respond to your earlier message(s), but I see you're
> ahead of me.  Ok, for now, I'm just going to assume that you will work
> this all out at some point in the not-too-distant future.  And in the
> meantime, I'll try hacking something up as you suggest, so that I can
> get started on my package.

Okay. I'll try to put a bit pressure in this, need to do some Gtk-- related
work anyway.

Good news, I have CVS writing access soon, so i can upload my debian files,
and Gtk-- will be build from CVS automatically regularly (but maybe only
> If I get really stuck, I may scream for help.

Feel free to do so!
> > in the source directory. This should compile you gtkmm packages with
> > gnome support. But you also need to edit the debian/control and
> > remove the dependency on libgtk-dev if you don't want to use source
> > depends. Note that this completely messes up binaries that are linked
> > to gtkmm, because the soname doesn't differ. But maybe you don't care
> I hope I don't care; I'll probably also rename the package and make it
> conflict with gtkmm just as a quick hack so I don't break my own
> system.  I'll be anxiously awaiting a more official and reliable
> solution, however.  :-)

"more reliable" --- hope so :) The release schedules of gtk+, gnome and gtk--
are all different, so it's hard to get them work together properly. I can't
foresee how it works, but we'll find a solution however.

One tip: Get latest CVS sources of all related packages, gtk+, gnome, glib
and gtk--. This will probably give you best chance that everything will
work. But if you have success with Debian source packages, by all means, let
me know!

Please stay in close contact to me about your experiences, etc.

Thank you,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."        Debian GNU/Linux        finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann                   http://www.debian.org    master.debian.org
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