On Monday, 14 August 2000 at 14:20, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"John" == John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  John> Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >> Please also note that other daemons conflict with each other well, e.g.,
>  >> inn & cnews, sendmail & postfix.
>  John> I am aware of that, and it's a shame, there is no real reason that
>  John> they cannot coexist.
>       No real reason? Only one package can listen in on port 25, and
>  only one package may be linked to /usr/lib/sendmail. Now the latter
>  may be handled by using diversions/alternatives, but I fail to see
>  how the former can be handled. (similar arguments for NNTP servers)
>       Seems like there are *real* reasons. There may be partial work
>  arounds, but the conflict does seem reasonable.

I agree with you in general. But it would be nice if packages that
conflicted on, say, portnumber, could let you choose another port to
run them on, and maybe give the official port to one particular
program (like alternatives for portnumbers). I realise quite a lot of
programs have hardcoded portnumbers in the upstream source, and that
for most purposes it wouldn't often be super useful, but it does have
certain advantages. For instance, on my machine I have uw-imap,
cyrus-imap and courier-imap all installed on different ports so I can
test out my IMAP client code against the three of them. Since they all
conflict I have to install and maintain at least two of them by

well, that's the motivation behind my stupid wishlist :)

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