>>"Kai" == Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Kai> AFAIK most MTAs can be convinced to use a different port. I
 Kai> wonder why that is?

        You are missing the point. How often do these things have to
 be done? How difficult is it to install two different MTA's as things

 Kai> I know that Exim has support to talk to a SMTP server on an
 Kai> arbitrary port. I see no reason to assume other MTAs can't do
 Kai> the same. I wonder why that is?

        If you do not know, I do not think you should really be
 participating in this discussion. If you do know, you perhsaps should
 not be participating here with this inflamatory stance either. 

 Kai> I have a machine running two different Exim konfigurations at
 Kai> the same time, one not involving listening on any port. Separate
 Kai> spools, separate logs. I wonder why one of those couldn't be a
 Kai> different MTA?

        And how commohn a practice do you think that is? 

 Kai> As for NNTP, you've heard of port nntps? And then there's the
 Kai> option of running server-to-server NNTP on arbitrary ports.

        How common is this? 

 John> These aren't real reasons at all.
 >> Given that, you have a curious definition of
 >> ``real''. Unfortunately, I do not think I find your definition of
 >> real very interesting.

 Kai> His seems to be about the same as mine. Your "real reasons" boil
 Kai> down to "I don't know why you'd want to do that", which is a
 Kai> piss-poor reason for *anything*.

        Bullshit. You have totally missed the point of my message, and
 have the gall to come in with a cendescending flammage that is ill
 condusive to any further discussion. Until you show you have the
 basic understanding of what is called the common case, I have nothing
 to say to you.

 and we were too having a reasoably sane discussion until now
 I don't think I'm gonna agree with that.  Way too much visual
 confusion... Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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