>>"Jason" == Jason Gunthorpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Jason> I've done it - had to really.. Two reasons
 Jason>    1) Exim provides a different command line interface than say qmail,
 Jason>       some software simply will not work. Thus we need a mail agent to
 Jason>       move messages outbound only.
 Jason>    2) Migrating between mailers. Need to have both operational at once
 Jason>       in order to flush queues, test and migrate.

        I genrally have ifconfiged the machine off the network,
 switched, and reconnected. Unless you are talking about a _ver_
 heavily uised MTA, being off line for a few minutes does not create a
 perceptible effect (since MTA's retry messages anyway -- often for
 upto 4 days, so a few minutes while installing a new one are not
 significant in most cases)

 >> modperl pages, with thttpd or aolserver on 8080 for static content. not to
 >> mention what will happen when we see TUX packaged.

 Jason> Yes, good examples too. 

        Is it really your contention that all MTA's should provide for
 this configurability, and cooperate with all other MTA packages out
 of the box? I am afraid that all this handshaking is going to entail
 a lot of effort, and the resultant gains seem fairly minimal (

 hesitantly pointing  out the bit about optimizing for the
 overwhelmingly common case
 Where's the man could ease a heart like a satin gown? Dorothy Parker,
 "The Satin Dress"
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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