>>"John" == John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 >> No real reason? Only one package can listen in on port 25, and

 John> There is no real reason that all must listen on port 25.

        Then you and I have very different opinions on what a working
 MTA is. Indeed, the SMTP RFC's differ with your opinion as well

 John> These aren't real reasons at all.  

        Given that, you have a curious definition of
 ``real''. Unfortunately, I do not think I find your definition of
 real very interesting.

 Brendan> I agree with you in general. But it would be nice if
 Brendan> packages that conflicted on, say, portnumber, could let you
 Brendan> choose another port to run them on, and maybe give the
 Brendan> official port to one particular program (like alternatives
 Brendan> for portnumbers). I realise quite a lot of programs have
 Brendan> hardcoded portnumbers in the upstream source, and that for
 Brendan> most purposes it wouldn't often be super useful, but it does
 Brendan> have certain advantages.

        One should optimize for the most common case. I think people
 who can maneuver around the port numbers can also recompile or use
 dpkg -x effectively.

        I am unsure that the results are quite worth the effort that
 needs be expended.

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Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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