On Monday, 2013-04-15, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2013-04-15, Diane Trout <di...@ghic.org> wrote:
> > My understanding is that kmail2 needs nepomuk and akonadi to work, and
> > its Nepomuk that has a hard dependency on virtuoso. Akonadi is
> > incompatible with
> kmail2 needs nepomuk to work in all regards, like searching for emails
> and distribution lists and some bits of address completion.
> but it shouldn't be a hard runtime requirement to have virtuoso
> available.
> My suggestion for some of you who seems to have gotteng the system to
> work after installing virtuoso, what happens if you disable nepomuk in
> systemsettings afterwards?  Does mail stop appearing?

The mail access itself shouldn't be affected, that is all just between Akonadi 
server and its clients (e.g. KMail).
The Nepomuk integration is used for features that are basically based on 
queries, e.g. mail search, recipient completion, resolving of contact groups 
(distribution lists), etc.

Regarding their respective backend engines, it is less a question of 
compatibility, i.e. virtuoso can theoretically be used as an SQL engine, it is 
just that any test so far has resulted in the finding that the SQL facilities 
of virtuoso combined with the generic QSql driver for ODBC do not provide the 
requirements for Akonadi (yet?).


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