hi Francesco,

> I would say that the missing detail is that license compatibility is
> not a transitive relation!

indeed! I knew that but somehow it fell off my consciousness while looking at
that wikipedia diagram

> Well, before I start sending patches (for instance to reintroduce GPL-2
> in the Apache-2.0 row), some questions:
>  * are you going to completely ignore GPL-1 (assuming it's no longer so
>    widely adopted)? I am asking because I see that you included it in
>    the Artistic row, but not in other rows (such as GPL-3 or MPL-2.0
>    or ...)
>  * why did you drop LGPL-3 from the GPL-2 row? they are incompatible...
>  * why did you introduce LGPL-2+, LGPL-2.1, and LGPL-3 in the MPL-1.1
>    row? as far as I know, the LGPL licenses are (linking-)compatible
>    with MPL-1.1 ...

sorry, that's all sloppiness on my part, at the end of a long day. please send
me a patch, if you don't mind. as for GPL-1, either way is fine (it wasn't
included in adequate as of 8y ago, and I only see GPL-1+ references in my local
system, so it certainly seems reasonable to drop it)

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