
Nilesh Patra kirjoitti 23.2.2021 klo 19.39:
> Hi,
> On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 22:25, Shruti Sridhar <shruti.sridha...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:shruti.sridha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

>     [...] I couldn't push my changes because it is on a protected branch so I 
> have made a fork <https://salsa.debian.org/shruti_sridhar/python-loompy>
>     I have uploaded the autopkgtest log here 
> <http://paste.debian.net/1186634>.
> I'm not sureĀ  what "couldn't push my changes because it is on a protected 
> branch" means here. You should be able to push unless you aren't trying to 
> force-push.
> If you aren't force-pushing, then you need better access than developer 
> probably for this one. I just granted you maintainer access for this repo, 
> try pushing once.

There are some Debian Med repositories where the access control
set up differently. Users that are logged in and have permissions will
see that under "Protected branches", in the column "Allowed to push"
for the master branch.


Branch  Allowed to merge  Allowed to push       
master  Maintainers       Maintainers


Branch  Allowed to merge  Allowed to push       
master  Maintainers       Developers + Maintainers

Should that be unified to "Developers + Maintainers" for every repo?


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