On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:19:09 -0700
Thanasis Kinias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is to do a non-DD NMU and
> let the Games Team sponsor it if they want...  it seemed silly to
> duplicate the work.
> > No URL, no bug reports, no detail - how do you propose that it gets
> > sponsored?

Sounds like a request for sponsorship to me - and one that was lacking
the most basic information.

> > There is no duplication involved in an NMU - but you must engage with
> > the maintainer, explain your proposals, detail your patches and allow
> > time for the maintainer to either do the upload themselves. From your
> > request, I have no way to tell if you have done any of those essential
> > things.
> (1) I was not addressing you, Neil.

You were addressing this list and I am part of the list, so I replied.
Seems straightforward enough. If your mail was for a subset of this
list, maybe that should have been clearer in the original mail or sent

> (2) I was not requesting sponsorship.

See above. It looked like it to me. YMMV.
> I CC'd the mentors list because I was using the mentors server to make a
> package available to the Games Team, whose work I thought it might help.

I was just pointing out that important information was missing.
> That's twice now, Neil, that you have replied in a very rude and
> aggressive to my posts to this list. 

? Huh ? You misinterpret.

> I don't know if you are confusing
> me with someone else or if you just have very poor social skills in
> general, but since you seem to have an inability to respond politely and
> constructively I guess I'd just prefer you ignored my posts.  Killfile
> me if I offend you so.  I'm just trying to contribute to this project
> and I don't need to deal with your attitude problems.

You appear confused. I have not done anything of the sort and if you
have misread my requests due to who knows what reason, it is nothing to
do with me.

I don't killfile anyone. I'm not impolite although sometimes direct. If
you see attitude problems where none exist, I can't do much about that
except continue to contribute in a constructive and efficient manner as
I have done for some time. Nothing I have said on this list or any
other public list should be contorted into the meaning you appear to


Neil Williams

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