scripsit Neil Williams:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:19:09 -0700
> Thanasis Kinias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > is to do a non-DD NMU and let the Games Team sponsor it if they
> > want...  it seemed silly to duplicate the work.
> > > No URL, no bug reports, no detail - how do you propose that it
> > > gets sponsored?
> Sounds like a request for sponsorship to me - and one that was lacking
> the most basic information.

Well, I expect if I were requesting sponsorship I would have entitled
the e-mail `RFS: ...' and set the seeking-sponsors flag on the mentors
upload to `yes'.  And I would not have specified that it was the
package maintainer I was addressing.

> > (1) I was not addressing you, Neil.
> You were addressing this list and I am part of the list, so I replied.
> Seems straightforward enough. If your mail was for a subset of this
> list, maybe that should have been clearer in the original mail or sent
> direct?

I see now I transposed the `To:' and the `CC:' headers in my original
post:  I was e-mailing the maintainer and CCing this list out of
courtesy since I was using the mentors server to hold the files.  I can
see how it might have been confusing since I in fact did set `To:' to
this list and `CC:' to the maintainer.

> > (2) I was not requesting sponsorship.
> See above. It looked like it to me. YMMV.

Indeed, YMMV.

> > That's twice now, Neil, that you have replied in a very rude and
> > aggressive to my posts to this list. 
> ? Huh ? You misinterpret.
> > I don't know if you are confusing me with someone else or if you
> > just have very poor social skills in general, but since you seem to
> > have an inability to respond politely and constructively I guess I'd
> > just prefer you ignored my posts.  Killfile me if I offend you so.
> > I'm just trying to contribute to this project and I don't need to
> > deal with your attitude problems.
> You appear confused. I have not done anything of the sort and if you
> have misread my requests due to who knows what reason, it is nothing
> to do with me.
> I don't killfile anyone. I'm not impolite although sometimes direct.
> If you see attitude problems where none exist, I can't do much about
> that except continue to contribute in a constructive and efficient
> manner as I have done for some time. Nothing I have said on this list
> or any other public list should be contorted into the meaning you
> appear to ascribe.

Directness is a popular excuse for rudeness.  You go beyond that,

I direct you to reread your response to my RFS for cinepaint, where you
not only were hostile, accused me of lying by omission, and abused me
for using a template on the mentors Web site.

You wrote:
] This just isn't good enough - not by a long way. Packages are not 
] removed from unstable without due cause so be OPEN about the cause - 
] this is open source, this is Debian - "we don't hide problems".

You could, of course, simply have looked at the bug the upload closed,
which would have explained in detail what was going on.  But you didn't
do that; you made a very clear implication that I was hiding the reason
the package was removed and trying to sneak something (harmful?) back
into Debian.

You could have very tersely said something like `You need to give us a
full report of bugs and reason for the package's removal' in your
response, which would have been direct and not unnecessarily padded with
_politesse_.  Instead you chose to characterize my request as `woeful',
accusing me of treating mentors as `a dumping ground for bad packages',
and informed me that I was `going to have to do a LOT more to make up
for such a bad start', since I was `starting from a deeply negative
position', and that my `responses had better be very good'.  Finally,
you were kind enough to sign off by saying you were `not going to do
[my] work for [me] on this one'.

I suppose that might not strike you as hostile or abusive.  As you said,
YMMV.  But I don't think it takes much for this to be `contorted into
the meaning [I] appear to ascribe' (your words), i.e. a `rude and
aggressive' reply (my words).

Incidentally, when I pointed out where you were mistaken about the
presence of RC bugs in the package, you simply failed to respond.
That's fine; I prefer that to further abuse.

Thanasis Kinias
Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, and
  Instructor, Professional Enhancement Programs
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
Je ne viens d'aucun pays, d'aucune cité, d'aucune tribu.  Je suis fils de la
route, ma patrie est caravane, et ma vie la plus inattendue des traversées.
  -- Amin Maalouf, _Léon l'Africain_

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