On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:09:55 -0700
Thanasis Kinias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Sounds like a request for sponsorship to me - and one that was lacking
> > the most basic information.
> Well, I expect if I were requesting sponsorship I would have entitled
> the e-mail `RFS: ...' 

Not always.

> and set the seeking-sponsors flag on the mentors
> upload to `yes'. 

That setting doesn't get as far as the mailing list. I don't go hunting
around on mentors.debian.net until *after* the package has peaked my
interest and I have sufficient information in the RFS to make a
sensible decision about sponsoring the package.

> I see now I transposed the `To:' and the `CC:' headers in my original
> post:  I was e-mailing the maintainer and CCing this list out of
> courtesy since I was using the mentors server to hold the files.  I can
> see how it might have been confusing since I in fact did set `To:' to
> this list and `CC:' to the maintainer.

> Directness is a popular excuse for rudeness.  You go beyond that,
> however.

Me thinks a 'IMHO' is missing in that sentence.

> You wrote:
> ] This just isn't good enough - not by a long way. Packages are not 
> ] removed from unstable without due cause so be OPEN about the cause - 
> ] this is open source, this is Debian - "we don't hide problems".

It wasn't good enough. The onus is on the person requesting sponsorship
to provide the information for the sponsor. The sponsor is not there to
be a gopher. The bare RFS template is inadequate 95% of the time - it
is not a fault of the template, it is a problem with the maintainer not
"filling in the gaps" with sufficient detail. This applies to most RFS
emails, it's not specific to any one maintainer.

> Incidentally, when I pointed out where you were mistaken about the
> presence of RC bugs in the package, you simply failed to respond.

Would that just possibly be because I tend to be very busy with things
elsewhere in Debian? A request for sponsorship needs to invite the
sponsor to engage with the maintainer, to be appealing and provide all
the information necessary - it is an advertisement, a request, an
invitation - not a command, instruction, direction or stipulation.

Please take on board that there are other things sponsors are doing and
that your requests need to HELP the sponsor, not burden them. You are
the one making the requests - you do the work and you must put the
information in the RFS email that the sponsor will need. The template
is just a guide, it is meant to be embellished. Be verbose, explain
things, remember that there are 19,000 packages in Debian and the
sponsor has probably never heard of your pet project so explain what it
does and what you have done, clearly and fully. No template can cover
all the data required for an RFS so *think* and make any request
enticing and attractive - not burdensome, tedious or incomplete.

I offer sponsorship during what little of my free time is still
available to Debian *after* I have done all my priority tasks relating
to my own packages. It would be good to hear that such efforts are
appreciated and that those requesting sponsorship accept that getting a
package sponsored is a partnership, not a right. Those that I have
sponsored know me and I know that they appreciate my help. I am not
"against" you, I am not out to persecute you - I would like to be able
to help but I need the information and a decent explanation of what you
have done with a particular package.

Don't perpetuate this sub-thread. Whatever you think I meant is not
what I intended but I did consider your cinepaint request to be
inadequate and your reactions since then have done nothing to change
that. Accept the criticism for what it was and move on. Then apply what
you have learnt and what I have proposed, in your next RFS.


Neil Williams

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