On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 02:18:43PM +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> There have been different statements about this from different mentors
> and Google themselves each year.

What Google's FAQ says *this year* is clear:

| How much time does GSoC participation take?
| You are expected to spend about 40 hours a week working on your project
| during the 3 month coding period. If you already have an internship,
| another summer job, or plan to be gone on vacation for more than a week
| during that time, GSoC is not the right program for you this year.

This is certainly more explicit than the equivalent FAQ entry has been
in previous years, but what the FAQ for 2016 says is what matters for

I understand you don't like this expectation, but trying to subvert it
within Debian is not productive - getting Debian banned from GSoC isn't
good for anybody.  If you want to change the basis on which students are
expected to work, you really need to take it up with the OSPO team.


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