On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 09:05:00AM +0530, harsh daftary wrote:
> Faq :
> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/faq#how_much_time_does_gsoc_participation_take
> What I want to know is 40 hours per week of work does not mean 40 hours of
> coding right ?
> Can it be documenting / designing architecture or debugging as well ?

that is all work, it doesn't matter.

> And what would happen if the student who worked 40hrs/week but still could
> not complete the project ?

It is up to the mentor and the org admins to decide. Note that there has
been projects that "did not complete" in the past, and that is not a
problem; sometimes the project does not complete because both the mentor
and the student underestimated the effort. Not completing the project
does not mean that a student will fail the mid-term or final

I do think that for optimial results GSOC/Outreach should be a full-time
activity during the 3 months of the program, but nobody will go looking
through the student's window to see if he/she is really working
*exactly* 40 hours a week. What matters is if the student is really
doing useful work compatible, with someone working full-time on
something (and of course taking into account that a student should not
be held to the same standards as a professional engineer).

And how do you know that? Students should send weekly reports to this
list, listing what they have accomplished in the week: if there is no
report, we know there is something wrong. If the report is always
"didn't accomplished anything", there is something wrong.

Another thing that will help is constant communication with your mentor,
so if don't get stuck in an issue that could have an "easy" solution
that only someone with more experience than you will be able to know.

> Also I and my mentors live in different time zone (India and Europe) so it
> might not be possible for me any my mentor to be online and work at same
> time so in such cases what steps are taken ?

No mentor will be able to be with you all the time. You enjoy the hours
in common to have video/chat conversations and catch up when needed, but
most of the time you will be working by yourself, so the timezone
doesn't matter. This is how free software works; I myself work with very
few people that are in the same timezone as I am.

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