On 27/04/16 05:35, harsh daftary wrote:
> Faq
> : 
> https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/faq#how_much_time_does_gsoc_participation_take
> What I want to know is 40 hours per week of work does not mean 40 hours
> of coding right ?
> Can it be documenting / designing architecture or debugging as well ?

Google does not say that, but in my employment I sometimes spend a whole
week debugging and documenting a problem, so I wouldn't be concerned if
a student spent time on such things.

That said, 1 week in a 12 week program is a lot, so if any student is
stuck debugging something that takes more than about half a day they
need to be telling their mentor.  The mentor may give hints or provide a
solution or workaround so the project doesn't get stuck.

Spending 4 - 8 hours week (20% of your time) documenting things on the
wiki and writing blogs is quite acceptable.

> And what would happen if the student who worked 40hrs/week but still
> could not complete the project ? 

That was one of my questions too, I will be asking Google about that.

> Also I and my mentors live in different time zone (India and Europe) so
> it might not be possible for me any my mentor to be online and work at
> same time so in such cases what steps are taken ?

That is something each student needs to negotiate with the mentors.  The
FAQ doesn't say you have to work at the a specific time of the day.

Have you received a contract from Google yet, does that say anything
about this?



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