
On Sat 28 Dec 2019 at 11:39am +01, Michael Banck wrote:

> Really? Why?

Yes.  (source: I'm an ftptrainee)

> So far I assumed that simple binary package renames due to shared
> library bumps or other API transitions where fast-tracked without full
> review, perhaps slightly less so for additions or split-offs of e.g.
> -data or -doc packages.
> Adding new binaries is an arbitrary (apart from the technical
> implementation reason in dak, of course) point in time to recheck a
> source package; even more so if this is due to external reasons (binary
> name changed to the external API changes, like a PostgreSQL major
> version transition).

I don't think it's fair to say that it's arbitrary.  A new binary
package might be added if the library gained Python bindings, say, in
which case there would be a pile of new Python code in the package whose
copyright and licensing status should be checked.

I agree that there might be more sophisticated ways in which we could
schedule these rereviews of source packages.

Sean Whitton

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