On 29/04/16 22:33, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Apr 2016, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>> We talked about this on the RT meeting yesterday and agreed to bump
>> this to RC again. We wouldn't like to release Stretch with guile-1.8
>> just for lilypond's sake, and it is better to act now that there's
>> plenty of time before the freeze so that a new version can be uploaded
>> (possibly to experimental for the time being) and fixes can be
>> applied.
> OK. Basically, there's no way that 2.18 will be fixed to work with Guile
> 2.0, but assuming that 2.20 gets released before stretch, this will be
> workable.
>> We can discuss this again later in the cycle if necessary, though
>> hopefully lilypond can get in shape and we won't need to do that :)
> Well, the shape that will be required is the release of a stable
> lilypond release which supports guile. Hopefully soon.
>> There have been plenty of 'unstable' releases (last one was 2.19.40
>> just a few days ago) and those have a --with-guile2 configure switch.
>> It may be a good idea to upload that to experimental with guile 2.0
>> support?
> Sure, but this won't fix the version of lilypond in unstable. [I at
> least do not have the time to support a development release of lilypond
> through the lifetime of a stable release.]

Yeah, but at least people can try it and report bugs. Uploading to experimental
means we don't release with a development version.

> Are auto-removals from testing currently off? [Basically, I'd like to
> avoid having lilypond removed from testing until we're closer to the
> release if that's at all possible.]

No, they are enabled.


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