On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Roger Creasy wrote:

> Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi ya roger
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, Roger Creasy wrote:
> > >I am trying to set up ndiswrapper under Sarge. Do Debian specific instructions 
> > >for this process exists? If so, can anyone direct me to them? If not, can anyone 
> > >who has had success with this send me the how-to?
> >for a non-debian ndiswrapper blah blah 
> >http://www.linux-wireless.org/Install-HOWTO/Drivers/NDISwrapper/ndiswrapper-0.7.txt
> I followed the instructions at the link provided above. When I entered the "make" 
> command I got the following: "You don't seem to have sources for your kernel; 
> install them in /usr/src, link /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-386/build to it and try again"
> I have the cd set for Sarge. Where to I find the sources for the kernel? Do I merely 
> copy them to the directory in the error? Or are there other steps? How do I "link 
> /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-386/build to it"?

you need to figuer out which kernel you are using
        uname -a

than you need to apt-get install 2.4.26-header...i386 or whatever
corresponds to your machine
        - make sure you have a 2nd way to boot your pc in case the
        kernels start to go bonkers

        - all of the debian kernel stuff is too much headache for me ... 

i always use virgin kernels from kernel.org and harden with various
kernel hardening options the way i like it
        ( these kernel.or kernels seem to behave with ndiswrapper )

i also ran into cases on deb boxes where ndiswrapper never installed
properly ( does not compile or does not install from make install )

> I apologize for the addition questions, but I am very much a newbie :)

questions is okay for following along some of the many howtos

c ya

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