Roger Creasy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Alvin Oga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi ya roger

On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Carl Fink wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 05:56:41PM -0700, Roger Creasy wrote:
> > I have the cd set for Sarge. Where to I find the sources for the
> > kernel? Do I merely copy them to the directory in the error? Or are
> > there other steps? How do I "link /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-386/build to
> > it"?

assuming you have a kernel source or just kernel headers in
/usr/local/src/linux-2.6.7-1 ( or whatever its called )

cd /lib/modules/2.6.7-1/
ln -s ../../../usr/local/src/linux-2.6.7-1 build

2.6.7-1 must match exactly

> You "apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.7". Possibly you follow that
> with "apt-get install kernel-patch-2.6.7". Then you ungzip and untar
> the archives that will be installed in /usr/src.

OK. I did this and verified that blah/build is linked to the kernel-source folder. I still get the same error....
Does the link need to point to a file or folder within the folder that the source was untared to?

More help?



OK. I found a possible problem. The makefile in ndiswrapper folder cd's to

blah/ndiswrapper-0.10/drivers then runs make again. the makefile in this folder calls /lib/modules/2.6.7-1-386/include/version.h,  which does not exist. the folder is there, but not the file. Could this be my7 problem? Should version.h be there?

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