At 07:55 PM 9/25/96 -0500, you wrote:
 >      Are there any kernels that are known to work _for_sure_ with an 
 >AHA-1542CF??  Maybe that's my problem...
 >                              Mike
 My 0.0001$ contribution:
 I've also been running Linux 1.0.9, 1.2.13 and now 2.0.6 with the 
 AHA1542CF and only had problems when forgetting to terminate the 
 CD-ROM at the end of the chain [is has not internal resistors :-( ]. 
 I never had problems with the HDs at the end of the chain as they are 
 internally terminated. In my case, the total length of the SCSI bus is 
 slightly below 2 m. I usually have two SCSI HD disks and the CD-ROM on it.
 I remember several postings last year and the SCSI FAQ 
 mentioning how sensible to termination problems the Adaptec cards were.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Scsi errors
Author: at cclink
Date:    26.09.96 14:54

At 07:55 PM 9/25/96 -0500, you wrote:
>       Are there any kernels that are known to work _for_sure_ with an 
>AHA-1542CF??  Maybe that's my problem...
>                               Mike
I've been running a AHA-1542CF since the 1.x kernel series with no trouble 
at all.  I know have two systems with them in there running 2.0.15 and 
1.2.10.  I did have a problem before with the scsi cable which I posted to 
here - basically what it kept doing was writing to the hard drive in wrong 
places, corrupting things when accessing the cdrom I have connected.  Turned 
out that it was the cable and I've never had any trouble since then.
Perhaps it could be the hard drive, but then again, I wouldn't know about 
that - both my scsi disks are SCSI-2 and yours is a SCSI-3, perhaps it 
doesn't like them for some reason?
Karl Ferguson, 
Tower Networking Pty Ltd (ACN: 072 322 760)        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
t/a STAR Online Services                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: +61-9-455-3446  Fax: +61-9-455-2776 

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