On Thu, 12 Dec 1996 10:04:12 EST Tim Sailer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> I'm having to do a scratch install of debian 1.2 on 2
> Toshiba Tecra 500CDT notebooks, and I'm slowly losing my mind from
> lack of sleep. It took an hour or so of fiddling to finally come up
> with 'disable all cache' to get the machine to boot from the floppy.
> Everything else went fairly normal, but a little slow. I copied the
> pcmcia stuff via floppy, then configured the card, nice and smooth.
> Now the fun started. From a local (on the ethernet) mirror, installing
> the rest of the packages with dselect via nfs took 5 hours! This is
> a p5-133 folks! Now, using loadlin to try to boot failed with
> the normal error I've seen about not enough memory, so I installed
> lilo, rebooted into DOS, enabled the cache, and rebooted...
> and rebooted... and rebooted. It gets to Uncompressing Linux,
> and reboots. 

If it only comes to `uncompressing linux`, the kernel has not started 
yet, and you probably have some cache problems and/or timing problem. 
Try the more conservative settings and then raise them progressively.

> OK.. I'm fairly intelligent (so I think). It must be
> the kernel, with all the compiled in goodies. I disabled the
> cache and rebooted, and am now recompiling the kernel....

I think it won't solve your problem.

> still compiling after *7 hours*!!!!! And... it died with

How much memory do hou have ?  7 hours seems quite long, even without 

> unreferenced symbols at the vmlinux linking. Does anyone
> have any ideas about speeding this up? 

Did you compile the kernel correctly ?
        1) make config
        2) make depend
        3) make clean
        4) make zImage


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