In your email to me, Richard G. Roberto, you wrote:
> Tim,
> I did an install on one of these for my boss and I did it using
> 1.1 boot + root floppy + 1.1 base.tgz.  I installed the 2.0.6 
> kernel and pcmcia stuff from floppy with no problem.  Then I did
> an ftp install from dselect using frozen and it took about 2
> hours to complete!  I had some initial trouble getting the pcmcia
> ethernet card configured, but after I got past that, I had none
> of the problems you speak of.  I also run in a dual boot mode
> (Win95+Debian), but I use the FreeBSD boot manager (beta version)
> which is graphical and very good (only works from DOS though).  I
> have since compiled my own custom 2.0.24 kernel and pcmcia
> modules/tools and it took about 45 minutes for all of that.

Actually, I got the kernel recompiled, and it now boots.
Booting with a 'buzz' install disk seems to work. It was just the
rescue disk from 'rex'.

> I think you may need to take a look at what's running, what
> errors are being logged to syslog/klog and what your resource
> usage is like.  I had 40MB of RAM and a 100MB swap partition in
> the 500CDT I installed on.  You may also need to take a look at
> some disk I/O statistics.  I'm not sure how to do that on a Linux
> box.  Anybody?  In any case, it sounds to me like you should
> definitely get some sleep first.  Take a fresh look at it after
> that.  There may be something very silly that's set up wrong, but
> you won't find it on 30 minutes sleep every 50 hours!

Heh.. I got 4 hours last night. Now, I can get the system up and running
with the pcmcia stuff in, but then the builtin mouse doesn't work. If
I kill off cardmgr and rmmod the pcmcia modules, the mouse works...


             "Too much information running through my brain,
                too much information, driving me insane."
              -- The Police
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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