In your email to me, Philippe Troin, you wrote:
> If it only comes to `uncompressing linux`, the kernel has not started 
> yet, and you probably have some cache problems and/or timing problem. 
> Try the more conservative settings and then raise them progressively.

Heh.. 'on' or 'off'.... not real good.. :(

> > OK.. I'm fairly intelligent (so I think). It must be
> > the kernel, with all the compiled in goodies. I disabled the
> > cache and rebooted, and am now recompiling the kernel....
> I think it won't solve your problem.

It actually did! And after the fact, I tried the old buzz
boot disk, and that worked... or it at least booted the system!

> > still compiling after *7 hours*!!!!! And... it died with
> How much memory do hou have ?  7 hours seems quite long, even without 
> cache...

It has 16 MB ram and 32 mb swap.

> > unreferenced symbols at the vmlinux linking. Does anyone
> > have any ideas about speeding this up? 
> Did you compile the kernel correctly ?
>       1) make config
>       2) make depend
>       3) make clean
>       4) make zImage

Yup... actually, I got the same unref vars on 2 other systems
(PPro HPs) (which, BTW, don't boot with the new disks.. hangs after
the Goldstar CD), and just running make dep again solved the problem.
It seems that the arp/rarp stuff in make config is the problem...


             "Too much information running through my brain,
                too much information, driving me insane."
              -- The Police
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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