Bruce was asking for upgrade stories - here's a data point.
I installed my first debian system from the Sept 96 Infomagic set. (I'm a
slackware convert.) I have been happily running 1.1, and it was current
when I decided to upgrade to 1.2. It is now running nicely, with all
weirdnesses resolved, but it took some doing. Some of the problems may
have been with the old version of dselect, I don't know.
Anyhow, here are observations/problems/suggestions I have.
I had problems with things requiring the newer libc5
getting installed. Even though the newer libc5 did get downloaded, other
pkg's depending on it were slam-dunked because their installation was
attempted first. There are several ways to get around this. Pick one.
Installation of an updated gpm and xbase were a little problematical. With
gpm, I think it was because the preinstall script was unable to nuke the
old gpm. Don't know why. xbase install was also unable to nuke xdm and
xfs. I had to go to a non-X console and do these by hand.

The new sendmail dependencies may not be complete. When I tried to upgrade
it for the first time, it went through but could not handle my simple
configuration file. After the full upgrade went through, it worked fine
with the same configuration file. Sounds like a version-sensitive
dependency to me, but I haven't a clue as to what it is. It just barfed on
a perfectly good config file, that's all.
A final suggestion - with net traffic getting heavier, maybe dselect can
be made to handle anon ftp login refusals because of loaded servers
better. To check directories, update package files and download stuff
requires 3 connects - If the last one fails, you have to go through the
whole process again (at least on the old dselect). Maybe the first two
steps might be optional (menuified)? 
Anyhow, thanks to all involved. Debian is great. I don't think I could go
back to the chaos of slackware again.
One last thing - it isn't really ALL ELF - uucp and friends are still
?MAGIC. Let's update this so I can get rid of a.out support in the kernel! 


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