James Martino said:
> Bruce was asking for upgrade stories - here's a data point.

Here's another:

I updated from debian 1.1.17 (the latest, I believe). I experienced the
following problems:

1) perl installation failed. It pre-depends on libdl1, which is provided by
ldso, but dselect complained that it couldn't resolve the pre-dependancy. I
installed ldso by hand using dpkg, then re-ran dselect and the problem was

2) somewhere along the line, /bin/perl got deleted, and I got an error out of
one of the preinst scripts. Somewhere further along the line, /bin/perl got
put back. Unfortunately, I didn't catch which packages were involved.

3) gcc depends on cpp (different from Debian 1.1). However, when dselect
installed cpp, it removed gcc, and I had to re-tag gcc for installtion (a
second installation run fixed the problem).

4) there are two copies of xbase (1.1 and 1a). This didn't cause a problem, it
just wasted time.

5) sendmail doesn't work. I had to reinstall the binaries from 8.7.6-1. The
problem was that sendmail could parse the .cf file properly (complaining about
the 'dequote' map -- saying file doesn't exist).

6) libg++ and libg++-dev conflicted with each other for some reason.
Re-running the installtion from dselect cleared up the problem.

Aside from the above problems (which I easily solved, but which a less
experienced user may have had trouble with), the upgrade went very well, and
I'm now a happy debian-1.2 user.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~barkers/   (under construction)

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"The last time somebody said, `I find I can write much better with a word
   processor.', I replied, `They used to say the same thing about drugs.'
   - Roy Blount, Jr.

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