On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Yoav Cohen-Sivan wrote:
> > > > Debian comes up in a much "rawer" form after install - for
> > > > instance, no prompt beyond the basic "#" for root and "$" for the
> > > > user (RedHat gives you the now famous "username /home/username$"
> > > > prompt).
> > >
> > > # and $ are standard/expected prompts. if you want something
> > > different, customise it yourself.
> >
> >    I think you are missing my point. I'm not just talking about the
> > prompt or X11 or any other specific package, but the whole shabam.
> No, i'm not missing your point at all. I just happen to disagree with
> it.
> One of the things I *like* about debian is that it doesn't inflict
> anyone else's aesthetic tastes on me. I don't have to edit a lot of
> configuration files to undo some hideously garish display - it's plain
> and simple and I can uglify/prettify it according to my own personal
> (bad) taste rather than someone else's.

I agree entirely with this.  What might be nice is if there were mini
howtos available on setting up some of the possible options.  Say for
instance color in an xterm.  I have seen alot of traffic about this one
(which I save for when I might actually get around to trying to set this 
up).  Another example would be changing the prompt.  

Not everyone who installs Debian as a newbie knows how to do 
these things, and quite often what seems straight forward to the 
experienced *nix users is only that straight forward due to years of 
experience....  I am sure the required information is in the man pages, 
but sometimes you just don't know where to look.

Unfortunately, this type of documentation generally doesn't sound like much 
fun to create (as if any type of documentation was ``fun'' to create).


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