On Sun, 16 Mar 1997 12:14:13 +0100 Paul van Berlo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> I'm new to this list and Debian. I have the following question. I have
> been using Linux for quite some time now and I recently upgraded to a
> better and faster pc. Before I had Linux on one 300mb partition but I want
> to dedicate this machine to Linux now (1,2gb). What would be the ideal
> partition sizes to split up the hdd for Linux? It'll be used for
> developing mainly and for internet connectivity. I will most likely also
> be running X. Any answers to this will be really appreciated. I don't want
> to put linux on one big partition.

I've got:
  32 Megs root.
  32 Megs swap.
  64 Megs /var
  450 Megs /usr
  100 Megs /usr/local
  rest /home.


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