> > partition sizes to split up the hdd for Linux? It'll be used for
> > developing mainly and for internet connectivity. I will most likely also
> > be running X. Any answers to this will be really appreciated. I don't want
> > to put linux on one big partition.

> I've got:
>   64 Megs /var
>   450 Megs /usr
>   100 Megs /usr/local
>   rest /home.

In the "old" days when I ran SLS and Slackware, I had to install many
packages myself. So, my /usr/local was very large.

Now with Debian having so many packages available, I have very little
in /usr local and /usr needs to be very large.

So, a big consideration may be how much stuff you like to install youself
and if you put it in /usr/local/ or /home.

I don't have any news feed, so I don't know where the articles usually
go (/var?), but this could be a consideration for some people too.


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