On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, Paul van Berlo wrote:

> to dedicate this machine to Linux now (1,2gb). What would be the ideal
> partition sizes to split up the hdd for Linux? It'll be used for

I have two machines.  I dislike extended/logical partitions.  I like
performance tuning.  My machines have at least two drives in them.  All
that aside, here's the scoop:

Machine 1 (Daily X work, text processing, ftp mirrors):
hda (1.2 WD):
hda1: 300M spare (more on this later)
hda2: 40M /
hda3: 120M swap
hda4: rest /usr (757M, there's no real need for that much)

hdc (1.2 WD) (I'm going out of order for a reason)
hdc1: 500M /local (gets /home, /usr/local, /var/spool/mail, see below)
hdc2: 250M /tmp
hdc3: 120M swap
hdc4: 350M /var (no need for that much, but 100M helps when installing)

hdb (3.1 WD) 
hdb1: (all) /server (gets my anon ftp area and *if I add it* news).

Machine 2 (Was going to be a mailing list server):
hda (850M Quantum)
hda1: 200M spare
hda2: 40M /
hda3: 120M swap
hda4: rest /usr (445M, there's no real need for that much)

hdc (850M Quantum)
hdc1: 300M /local (see above)
hdc2: 100M /tmp
hdc3: 120M swap
hdc4: 300M /var (I wanted this big for large email logfiles)

For the most part, this scheme works exceptionally well.  My spare
partition holds a complete (and completely separate) linux install (single
partition, just like you had).  If I should ever trash my main install, I
can boot into the spareland and run a tape backup of whatever's left -
very handy to have around.  My /local preserves important files whenever I
decide to do a complete scrub and reinstall.  And with both "spare" and
/local as the first partitions on each disk, it's very easy to resize my
partitions (assuming I'm reinstalling) without destroying my safety net
and/or my personal files.

Both of my swap areas are directly between critical system areas (/ and
/usr, /tmp and /var), making swap an easy trip from any typical program,
logfile access, or tempfile.  The biggest performance hit comes when
sendmail is delivering to my mailbox (which is in /local) and is logging
to /var at the other end of the disk, but some recent sendmail tunings
have really helped that.

To summarize, here's a df from each of my systems:
Machine 1:
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda2              39039   11965    25058     32%   /
/dev/hda4             757151  244581   473460     34%   /usr
/dev/hdc4             349343   18561   312739      6%   /var
/dev/hdc2             247871      43   235027      0%   /tmp
/dev/hdc1             495714   23008   447105      5%   /local
/dev/hdb1            2990073 2305554   529894     81%   /server

Machine 2:
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hda2              40007   11272    26669     30%   /
/dev/hda4             445949  157541   265376     37%   /usr
/dev/hdc4             287850   16326   256656      6%   /var
/dev/hdc2              99061      13    93933      0%   /tmp
/dev/hdc1             297603    4080   278153      1%   /local

Hope this helps,

Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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