In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>Pete Harlan writes:
> > * fvwm2 blew away my /etc/X11/fvwm2 configuration files with empty
> > ones, without asking or warning me.

I thought that was fixed long ago...

> My menus are all scrogged.  It keeps changing my fixes when I reboot
>too, I think.  Grrr.

I dunno about changing stuff on reboot, but the easiest way to fix
fvwm2 is to put your customizations in ~/.fvwm2/*.hook files.
You'll probably need to experiment a little to get it right -- I did,
but if you get stuck I can send you my config files.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] !!! I wish I could figure out why exmh doesn't like my .sig 

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