What you say about Afterstep is no longer accurate, as of 0.99pre6-1
(upstream 1.0pre6) since I have changed things so that the Debian
Afterstep now has m4 support compiled in so that we can now use m4
includes for the Debian menus.  This is much better than the old method
of using a skeleton file since users can now include the menu file in
their own .steprc files and have the advantage of automatically updated

As long as you are on the Cc: list, Joost...  You recently released a
new version of the menu package with improved menu-methods files.  The
example menu-methods file still uses the file system.steprc-menu.  As
described above, this is no longer necessary.  Thus the example files
in the menu package, if they should even be included any longer, should
be updated to match the versions distributed with the Afterstep package
and use m4.

What this means to everyone else on the debian-user list is that, I
would suggest that you not use the menu-methods file in the new menu
package with any version of the Debian Afterstep package later than or
equal to 0.99pre6-1.  Instead wait for a new version of either the
Afterstep package or the menu package which will take advantage of the
new features in the menu package and also use m4 includes.



On 22 Apr, Rick Jones wrote:
> If I remember correctly the /etc/menus dir is for pkgs you want skipped
> when update-menus is run.  Maybe skipped is incorrect.  It's not updated
> by the program but the super-user.  Meaning that nothing added by dpkg
> will be added to the menus in this dir.  Making the menu system
> non-operational if you put all your menus in this dir.
> In the instance of the Afterstep window manager there is a
> system.steprc-menu file (/etc/X11/afterstep/) that can be modified since
> update-menus uses it as a skelliton when it creates the system.steprc file
> with the new pkgs added to the menus automatically.  Once you move the
> Debian menuitem to the appropriate place and make it a sub-menu instead of
> the main menu.
> /etc/menus is for menus you don't want automatically updated with new
> packages.  You have to add them by hand if they are in this dir.  I
> imagine that all the menus have a skelliton file like Afterstep's so the
> updates are done automatically as the program was created to do.
> On Sat, 19 Apr 1997, Richard Morin wrote:
>> On Sat, 19 Apr 1997, joost witteveen wrote:
>> > If you've got the menu package installed, the /etc/x11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook
>> > file is auto-generated by "update-menus", and thus should not be
>> > edited. If you want to add menuentries, you can 
>> >   -add them to the end of the menu in your /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc
>> >   -remove the "DestroyMeny\\n" in /etc/menu-methods/fvwm2.
>> I primarily use fvwm95 (boos and hisses from the purists) but fvwm2 uses
>> the same menu system as I understand it.  To customize my menus I put
>> files into my /etc/menus and started the filenames with
>> "local*". This works great for me.  I can add and edit the menu entries to
>> my leisure.  I really like the menu package now that I've got it
>> working ok!! Perhaps I misunderstand the problem. I apologize if this is
>> the case.
>> > 
>> > Menu-1.0 (to be released shortly) will add "this is a auto-generated
>> > file, don't edit" at the top of /etc/x11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook.
>> Thought it was already there...hmmm 
>> > Thanks,
>> > -- 
>> > joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Richard Morin
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