Dima writes:
 > I dunno about changing stuff on reboot, but the easiest way to fix
 > fvwm2 is to put your customizations in ~/.fvwm2/*.hook files.
 > You'll probably need to experiment a little to get it right -- I did,
 > but if you get stuck I can send you my config files.

 I did that.  But now something keeps adding a DestroyMenu MainMenu to 
the "/etc/X11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook" file, so my premainmenu.hook stuff
gets wiped out by it.  It started after the last upgrade, to the BETA
version.  I have `bug` reported it.

Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Portland, OR  USA
Debian GNU 1.2  Linux 2.0.30t
You tell me and we'll both know.

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