On Sat, 19 Apr 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> If you've got the menu package installed, the /etc/x11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook
> file is auto-generated by "update-menus", and thus should not be
> edited. If you want to add menuentries, you can 
>   -add them to the end of the menu in your /etc/X11/fvwm2/system.fvwm2rc
>   -remove the "DestroyMeny\\n" in /etc/menu-methods/fvwm2.

I primarily use fvwm95 (boos and hisses from the purists) but fvwm2 uses
the same menu system as I understand it.  To customize my menus I put
files into my /etc/menus and started the filenames with
"local*". This works great for me.  I can add and edit the menu entries to
my leisure.  I really like the menu package now that I've got it
working ok!! Perhaps I misunderstand the problem. I apologize if this is
the case.

> Menu-1.0 (to be released shortly) will add "this is a auto-generated
> file, don't edit" at the top of /etc/x11/fvwm2/menudefs.hook.

Thought it was already there...hmmm 

> Thanks,
> -- 
> joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Richard Morin
Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make real computers act like the
                                ones in movies.

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