I'd recommend creating a partition for MS-DOS right away.
No need to actually install it till required.

Jean Pierre

On Mon, 19 May 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'm waiting for parts to arrive for a new system.  I can probably get a copy
> of MSDOG, but I'd like to avoid this.  Eventually it will perhaps be
> necessary to install Windows 95 or Windows NT and MSDOG, but to begin with,
> I will install Linux.  
> I expect to be able to create the installation disks for Debian on my
> long faithful machine electra.  Can I reasonably expect to pull this off
> without installing DOS at all?  Can I format the disks from the install
> disks?  Can I partition them, all that?
> Another question, out of curiosity: will it be feasible to install Windows95
> later on?  Will it stomp on the linux system?  What about DOG---can I
> reasonably expect to install that AFTER linux, without a problem?
> Better still, can I run DOSEMU without having MSDOG installed ever at all?
> I have a few programs like skyglobe and another astronomy sky disply
> program, HYPERSKY, that I would like to run, as well as several other
> programs.  I guess I would really need Windows 3.1 to run that on DOSEMU?
> Thanks in advance,

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