On Mon, 19 May 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Mon, 19 May 1997, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
> > I'd recommend creating a partition for MS-DOS right away.
> > No need to actually install it till required.
> Agreed. Dos/Win/NT want the first partition of the first drive to be
> "their" boot file system. So decide what you want for DOS and build the
> partition (from a DOS rescue disk that has fdisk) with fdisk (msdos
> version) before you do any linux work.

Well, my /dev/hda1 has an ext2 root partition on it _and_ is marked bootable.
Windows95 is on /dev/hda2 and has no problems with that, contrary to 
popular belief and many manuals.

If you have a floppy to boot linux from in any case, the worst that can 
happen is that you can't boot your freshly installed windows95. That's 
bad, because it takes a lot longer to install and setup than debian linux. 

If you're a bit paranoid about your existing setup you can always make a 
couple of backups of the first 512 bytes of all primary, extended and 
logical partitions and the master boot record before you let the 
microsoftware touch your system. That's what I actually did, but I don't 
think it is necessary at all. Adding an entry for windows in lilo.conf and 
rerunning lilo is enough.



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