> I'm waiting for parts to arrive for a new system.  I can probably get a copy
> of MSDOG, but I'd like to avoid this.  Eventually it will perhaps be
> necessary to install Windows 95 or Windows NT and MSDOG, but to begin with,
> I will install Linux.
> I expect to be able to create the installation disks for Debian on my
> long faithful machine electra.  Can I reasonably expect to pull this off
> without installing DOS at all?  Can I format the disks from the install
> disks?  Can I partition them, all that?

Yes. The install disks don't need to be formatted. You will write a
raw disk image onto them.
> Another question, out of curiosity: will it be feasible to install Windows95
> later on?  Will it stomp on the linux system?  What about DOG---can I
> reasonably expect to install that AFTER linux, without a problem?
> Better still, can I run DOSEMU without having MSDOG installed ever at all?
> I have a few programs like skyglobe and another astronomy sky disply
> program, HYPERSKY, that I would like to run, as well as several other
> programs.  I guess I would really need Windows 3.1 to run that on DOSEMU?

You should be able to install dos at any time. Note, however, that you
cannot change the size of Linux partitions are you've put a filesystem
on them. You will be able to install DOSEMU without having had dos
installed. If you think you might install it later, you may want to
create a partition for it.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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