Hello all,

I have an interesting problem.  I have a small LAN based on ethernet with 
a Linux box with a ppp connection to the internet acting as a gateway for 
two Macintosh computers:

        |   Linux         |            |---Powermac with OpenTransport
        |                 |            |
   ppp  |                 |   eth0     |
 -------| |------------|
        |                 |            |
        |                 |            |---68K mac with MacTCP

The linux box runs pppd/diald.  This setup has worked flawlessly for a year
with a Slackware installation (kernel 1.2.13).  I am now upgrading to 
Debian 1.2 (kernel 2.0.27) and have run into frustrating problems.  
After some hair pulling I have pppd/diald working on the new system.
I have compiled in kernel support for ip masquerade and set up the 
forwarding with

ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

Now the problem:

**I can not do domain name resolution with my new setup** The ip masquerading 
seems to work with most network traffic.  Packets sent by IP number are 
forwarded appropriately.  I can telnet and use my web browser on my macs if
I use IP numbers.  DNS resolution works great on the linux box, and I
have triple checked the nameserver addresses on the macs.  When I do a name
lookup on the mac I can see the modem SD light periodicly lighting up,
so I assume that DNS queries are being sent, but now replys.  I can do
a name lookup on the linux system without difficulty.  The nameservers
on both machines are configured identically.

The kicker:  booting with my old slackware setup fixes this problem, 
without changing anything on the macs.

I have searched the FAQ's without avail, any pointers to info or ideas
to try would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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