On 21 May 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

> Francois Gouget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     I have the same setup as Benjamin T except that I have two Linux
> > machines. I could not prove it right now because I have installed a DNS
> > server on the Linux doing the masquerading but if I remember well my 486 
> > was able to do DNS resolution before I installed the new DNS. So that was
> > through the IP masquerading.
> Yep, I have the same situation, and name resolution works fine.  The
> only things I've found that don't work are ftp (dir listings only,
> file gets by wget and netscape work fine (which I don't understand))
> and ping.

        This must be related to masquerading (i.e. not diald). For ftp to
work you must load a specific module: ip_masq_ftp. I think this module
also does the icmp masquerading (for ping). This is because ftp sends a
port number and has the server "call you back" at that port.
        There are other specific modules for some other protocols. The
modules that I have are: ip_masq_raudio, ip_masq_vdolive, ip_masq_cuseeme,

Francois Gouget
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                http://www.mygale.org/05/fgouget/

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