On Wed, 21 May 1997, Lars Hallberg wrote:

> Craig, sorry, got to ask You one thing...
> Humm, I use diald. It do for some reason lose the first package
> on a new fresh conection. My ugly workaround is to have no
> local nameresolving and the nameserver listed multiple times in
> /etc/resolv.conf. This way the first nameresolving atempt fails, but
> brings up the link, the nemeresolving is then retryed (thanks to
> multipel entrys in resolv.conf) and evrething comes upp as expected.
> This ugly workaround is expensiv as I cant have any lokal
> nameresolving. Much iritating as my ISP's DNS is frekvently down...

I don't use diald, but here's an idea that may help. It's untested, and
i have no way of testing it. It's worth trying, though...it might help,
and it certainly can't hurt to try it.

    Instead of listing the remote nameserver several times in
    /etc/resolv.conf, try listing the local ( nameserver
    several times. It may also help to list your ISP's nameserver as a
    forwarder a few times in /var/named/boot.options (but probably not).

This should (I hope) achieve the same result, with the added advantage of a
local DNS cache.

BTW, Don't run bind in slave (forward-only) mode if your ISP's
nameserver is flaky...actually if your ISP can't even get a nameserver
to run properly, you should consider finding one who can.

DNS is a 'mission-critical' network service. It is something that
is worth putting in a lot of effort to fix if it's broken - if your
name server is unreliable, then EVERYTHING else on the network which
depends on it (i.e. almost every network related program) is going to be


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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