>>>>> On Fri, 1 Aug 97 15:08 PDT, Bruce Perens said:

  Bruce> [...] I've been thinking of splitting the debian-user list
  Bruce> into several lists: [...]

I've been on the sun-managers list for a couple of years.  They use
the "reply to the author, author sends summary" scheme of things, and
the volume of mail wasn't *too* high.

I'm afraid that most people won't know what to do, though, so there
would need to be some measures:

  - When a user has asked a question on the list, they get sent an
    automatic reply telling them that
    . all others are to send the answer by email
    . the user is to post a summary later on.
  - Frequent "policy" posting to the list saying how things ought to
    be handled.

Whatcha think?
Signature?  What signature?

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