After upgrading to Debian 1.3.1 I encountered a serious start-up-problem.
Some of the /etc/init.d/-scripts fail with messages like 
/etc/init.d/kerneld: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory
Same with sendmail, xdm etc.
If I try the command "start-stop-daemon" without arguments at the command line 
I get this message:
# start-stop-daemon
bash: /usr/sbin/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory

All this leaves my system in a near useless state. I recall a similar cry for 
in this list by someone else but that wasn't answered.
So now I am into this, as well.
This seems not to be a reported bug.
Any kind of help would be appreciated.


                                Frank Barknecht


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                        Das Kölner Stadt- und Unimagazin


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