Dave Cinege wrote,

> Yes you have. I'm saying the work done be the people outside the US is now 
> asscoiated with a US entity. It's not 'theirs' anymore, while it is in the US.

this is not true, in any sense of the word.  The difference between debian 
unincorporated or incorporated makes absolutley no difference in ownership, at 
least in the common law countries (US, britain, australia, etc.).

> If I make a package tonight, and submited it, am I then consider an employee 
> (agent, memeber, whatever) of that corp? No, and therefor it means nothing to 
> my 
> liability. But since there is now a legal person called Debian we could both 
> be 
> brought into litigation. Before if someone did something, it was just them. 
> To do 
> anything to Debian meant going after all the seperate people involved. That's 
> because no guy named Debian existed....now he does....

Again, this is completely wrong.  There was no protection from the absense of 
a "debian the person".  It would *not* have required going after all of the 
separate people involved.  It would have been going after any single one, or 
any group, which was convenient.  Each of whom would have been liable in the 
full amount of any judgment.

If you make a package, you still face liability under either setup.  However, 
incorporated you face no liability for my packages.  That is the difference.

> If anything is done to this guy, the work the developers are 'giving' him are 
> subject 
> to any sanctions against him. Follow? It has created a liabity.

again, this is wrong.  see above.  Also, developers do not "give" anything to 
debian; they license.  They still own their packages.

> What members? Debian never existed. There was no formal orginazation. No 
> solid  heiarchy. No dues. 

Again, this just doesn't matter.  Debian did indeed exist, and did indeed have 
members, whether formally organized or not.

> Phooey. Do all the developers hold there own copyright? Huh? Do they? 


> Then they  are each indivigually liable no matter what.

They are.

> The corp just now officially puts them all in the same basket.

this is where you are wrong.  It is exactly the opposite:  the corp takes them 
*out* of the basket.

rick, esq.

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