Howdy all!

Recently I attempted to install some .deb's when I received error
messages that /usr was mounted read-only.  I know that this *is*
the desired state for /use, and will be once my system settles into
a pattern where I'm not always installing/de-installing packages.
In other words...RSN...

Anyway, a brief look around showed that /usr had some low-level
errors from the WD Caviar drive (again?).  I dropped down to
single user mode and unmounted the drive.  Running fsck on the
partition yielded many errors and a lot of cruft in /usr/lost+found.

Here's what's in /usr/lost+found/   (I promise to only print this list once.)

> cd /usr/lost+found/
> ls -l
total 176014862730
b-w-r-xrw-   1 12597    17448    199, 228 Jun  6  2010 #85683
sr-x---r-T   1 38225    52884    18446744073400402084 Jan  4  1966 #85688
c----ws--T   1 47531    12439    159, 161 Mar 19  2003 #85731
sr-xr-sr--   1 20273    25066    18446744073272518462 May 11  1930 #85798
pr-s-w-r-x   1 33208    18367           0 Jun  2  2014 #85803
s-----xrwx   1 34472    35187    530742783 Feb 19  1939 #85804
sr-x--srwt   1 51815    45702    1104773510 Nov 16  2036 #85845
pr---wxr-t   1 1449     44355           0 Jan 24  1994 #85846
p---r-Sr-T   1 37595    30089           0 May 31  2010 #85856
prwsr----x   1 59654    9568            0 May 30  1911 #85857
cr-s--srw-   1 57083    25150    250,   3 Sep  9  2008 #85859
brwxrw-rwx   1 52047    55176    130,  59 Sep 12  2013 #85863
crwSr-x-wt   1 63455    64467    169, 210 Aug 24  2022 #85869
br-x--srw-   1 65048    20114    180, 203 Jul 16  1915 #85883
crwx-ws-wt   1 34663    58584    224,  16 Oct  6  2001 #85885
crwxr-s--x   1 17218    9732     246,  59 Jun 16  2024 #85886
cr-sr---wx   1 42176    58524     87, 214 May 30  1918 #85939
sr-Sr-s---   1 28891    46245    795477263 Dec 31  1941 #85980
srwS-wsrwx   1 39357    62882    1254163067 Apr 10  2029 #85982
crws-ws-wT   1 51908    29278     75,  66 Jan  7  1944 #85983
p-wS-wsrwx   1 64759    46643           0 Oct 26  2029 #85993
b--S-wS--t   1 27744    31927    155, 196 Jun  9  2010 #85997
b--S-wxrwT   1 36552    9472      96, 165 Jul 30  1967 #86010
sr--r--r--   1 17349    62591    1966366131 Sep 21  1920 #86020
b--S--s---   1 27821    4699     239, 225 Jun 18  1946 #86038
cr-srws-wt   1 45051    45725    173, 204 Jun 19  1972 #86097
srwsrw-r-x   1 53660    59317    18446744073609541193 Jul  7  1959 #86099
b-wsrw-rwt   1 46951    63393    246, 166 Nov  6  1906 #86100
p-wxr---wt   1 57436    57032           0 Jan 26  2031 #86134
cr-x-wx--T   1 48664    58361    243, 139 Mar  4  1993 #86180
s-wx-w-rw-   1 43830    12855    18446744072822025512 Feb 22  2030 #86181
b-wsr-S--x   1 50634    13633    239,  98 Oct  8  2010 #86248
prw-rws---   1 42518    29397           0 Oct 10  1986 #86275
brwsr-x--x   1 23554    57057     93, 112 Jul 22  1948 #86278
p-----xr--   1 52207    4709            0 Dec 14  2011 #86281
brws-ws--x   1 27321    41928     74,  24 Jun 29  1977 #86285
cr-srw-r--   1 20060    63608     61, 148 Mar 19  2022 #86302
br--r---wx   1 53569    7571     182, 112 Mar 28  2004 #86308
p-wSr-Srw-   1 63155    42964           0 Sep  5  2034 #86312
s--x-wx-w-   1 11252    31528    1699971880 May 23  2004 #86333
srwSrwSrwT   1 605      61570    1588517388 Sep  8  2024 #86334
s-wSr-srwT   1 37245    59345    1198079738 Oct 13  1975 #86336
srwSrws--T   1 63422    8664     1211110051 Oct 30  1985 #86342
br-S--xr--   1 65044    57073     60,  49 Oct 12  2016 #86353
p-wxr-S-wT   1 18509    46301           0 Mar  9  2032 #86354
p-wxrwxrwt   1 8648     42700           0 Feb 12  2005 #86418
p--xrwsrwT   1 14262    10978           0 Nov 26  1961 #86419
p-wxrwS-wt   1 58766    6603            0 Jan  5  1904 #86420
brwsrwS-w-   1 33193    5664     240,  24 Jun 20  1956 #86421
p--Srws--T   1 44817    14643           0 Jan  5  2031 #86439
cr--r-srw-   1 7202     57331    195,  54 Jan  4  2021 #86440
b--x-wsr-x   1 48273    5321      51,  30 Aug 19  2003 #86473
cr--r-----   1 57519    9735     207, 121 Jan  1  1962 #86479
br-srwx-wt   1 52999    26015    191, 109 Jul  8  2028 #86504
b--S-wxr--   1 31856    6124     147,  40 Nov 30  1959 #86513
sr--r-x-wT   1 2872     13035    18446744072024078759 Jul 26  1908 #86526
c-wSrwsr-T   1 4294     61544    158, 130 Nov 19  2014 #86532
srwx--s-wT   1 5679     56197    1173219910 Sep 15  1972 #86535
crw--wS---   1 10023    41192    231, 153 Sep 29  1911 #86546
p--s--sr-x   1 21932    10847           0 Apr 11  1997 #86548
pr-S-wx--x   1 64175    35575           0 Dec 27  1921 #86558
brw----r-T   1 48462    7351      14, 125 Nov 30  1920 #86561
prw--ws--x   1 14474    1520            0 Jun 19  1960 #86571
crws---rw-   1 52625    34750     37, 115 Oct 26  1908 #86573
s-w--wSr-x   1 45819    56175    1826828446 Jun 14  1916 #86585
s-wSr-srw-   1 55807    29442    378448536 Dec 24  2010 #86610
pr-x----wT   1 52007    59785           0 Jan 27  2034 #86614
brwx--S--T   1 700      52110     91, 226 Oct  9  2017 #86615
prws-w-rw-   1 51028    49918           0 Sep 27  1974 #86638
c---r-S-wx   1 29150    55357     12,  66 May 12  1967 #86657
s-wx--sr--   1 21672    18483    474964864 Oct 28  1909 #86664
sr-x---rwx   1 1714     53956    1212456720 Oct 21  1907 #86682
s--xrw--w-   1 6881     1202     490595593 Jun 16  1987 #86683
brwS--xr--   1 37335    27730     63, 244 Sep  8  1939 #86684
srwsr-xr--   1 18955    11091    1994537533 Apr 14  1923 #86687
p--x-ws-wt   1 35454    17083           0 Nov 10  2033 #86720
br-Srwsrwt   1 9565     41891    242,  99 Sep 13  2037 #86770
b--sr-x-wx   1 43697    27697    227, 254 Sep 28  1996 #86772
b-wxrws-w-   1 11833    17929    134,  65 Oct 28  1972 #86806
pr-s-w-r-x   1 5375     30752           0 Aug  3  1938 #86809
p----w-r--   1 17488    2019            0 Oct  3  2010 #86814
p-wS-ws-w-   1 37360    60265           0 Sep 20  1973 #86831
pr-s--xrwT   1 30576    28809           0 Mar 10  1965 #86833
pr-x--xr--   1 62045    53975           0 Jan 14  1928 #86834
p---rwx-wt   1 10261    52232           0 Nov 30  1980 #86852
b--sr-s-wx   1 55256    5936     116, 166 Sep  8  2002 #86864
c-wx-wS-wx   1 12797    29182     83, 140 Jul 11  1938 #86907
c-ws--s--x   1 44372    23926    205,  27 May 25  1989 #86908
c-wsr-xrwt   1 4479     27960    180,  84 Dec 28  1991 #86909
p-wS-wS-wT   1 36493    41984           0 Sep  3  1913 #86912
prwxr-Sr--   1 8370     40426           0 Oct 12  1989 #86939
c--S--S-wt   1 32509    59318     66, 137 Mar 30  1976 #86985
p--s--sr-T   1 33194    11837           0 Jul 31  1936 #86987
srwx-wSr-x   1 58592    44745    723136632 Jun  1  2006 #86989
cr-xr-Sr-T   1 560      26156    150, 178 Dec  1  1925 #86996
crws--x-wt   1 9140     42713     54,  61 May  9  1962 #87019
cr--rwSrwt   1 28294    62783      8, 209 Jun 18  1936 #87024
c-w---S--x   1 21930    43553    131, 157 Oct 13  1944 #87036
p-wSr---wT   1 48894    57788           0 Jul 27  1981 #87039
srwS-wxrwT   1 50630    38643    18446744073481135131 May 30  1971 #87041
prwS--xrwx   1 20652    1046            0 Dec 30  1940 #87050
p-w--ws-wt   1 25031    26840           0 May 14  1960 #87055
b---r-Srw-   1 6077     11687    156, 119 Aug 13  1980 #87070
crws-wxrwx   1 52405    60919    207, 240 Dec 24  2022 #87076
crwxr-sr-T   1 50106    20570     17, 226 Sep 29  1988 #87082
p-ws-wx-wt   1 37403    18958           0 Aug  7  1997 #87088
pr-sr-S-wT   1 45228    48945           0 Jul 29  1931 #87103
s----wSr-x   1 30352    54525    18446744072530763526 Mar 12  1956 #87105
p--s-wx--T   1 1646     24266           0 May 15  1918 #87107
srwx--s--x   1 21160    8972     18446744072824989686 Jun 12  1952 #87140
br-s-wS--t   1 96       13457    187, 208 Jul 20  2024 #87144
c-w---Sr-T   1 52370    20832     70,  94 Feb  3  1915 #87148
c--SrwS-w-   1 51133    59613    170, 141 Feb 15  1912 #87163
sr-S-wSrwT   1 47773    28282    18446744072565729348 Jun  1  1985 #87166
c-wxrw---t   1 9248     39679    151, 206 Jan 31  1986 #87183
prwxrwx-w-   1 16503    6286            0 Jul 27  1946 #87186
cr-Sr-sr-t   1 40209    50761     75, 172 Oct 19  2026 #87188
cr-x-wS-wT   1 13676    59978    100, 206 Jan 30  2020 #87209
s--x--srwx   1 21185    7279     18446744071869818565 Nov 18  1916 #87213
br-S--S--x   1 12862    58848    197, 150 Aug 21  1959 #87241
brws-----T   1 30661    55605    228, 101 Jul 17  2027 #87243
b-wxr-x---   1 45798    22497    133,   2 Dec 19  1971 #87245
cr-xrwSrwx   1 18928    19225     44,  23 Nov 27  1925 #87290
sr---wx---   1 14798    191      18446744072240337753 Jun 19  1920 #87295
s--Sr-x-wt   1 53841    57978    18446744072614852473 Jan  8  2011 #87296
prwSrwxrwt   1 21230    17429           0 Jul 25  1934 #87297
sr-xr--rwT   1 32372    8320     18446744071613714608 Mar 12  2024 #87310
p----wxrwt   1 15361    55370           0 Mar 29  1971 #87312
pr-xrwxrwT   1 35385    34846           0 Oct 23  1971 #87313
cr-S---rwT   1 18329    21106     21, 143 Jan  5  1914 #87316
b-wS--s-wx   1 59033    3353     133,  88 Jan 12  1999 #87318
crwSr-xrwt   1 30423    61525    165, 214 Nov 21  1999 #87338
prws-ws-w-   1 40604    21966           0 Feb  8  1953 #87355
pr-S--s---   1 36154    53779           0 Feb  9  2017 #87387
pr-x--S--T   1 7380     63070           0 Feb  8  1954 #87390
prwsr-x-wT   1 8680     25133           0 Mar 16  1917 #87431
b------r-t   1 63221    22867      6,   4 Feb 11  2023 #87437
pr-x-wxrwt   1 20711    21913           0 Sep  8  1974 #87443
crwxrwsrwx   1 13431    44944    224,  87 Jan 10  1917 #87448
sr----Srwx   1 9408     39764    762285267 Oct 15  1903 #87468
p--xr-xrwt   1 64725    26816           0 Feb 28  1918 #87477
sr-xrw-rwx   1 9753     63187    560560756 Jun 21  1953 #87480
p-ws---rwt   1 18956    64929           0 Apr  2  2023 #87511
p---rw--wt   1 38913    10287           0 May 12  1963 #87524
p--Srwx---   1 39473    59910           0 Sep 28  1988 #87533
s-ws-wsr-x   1 9624     62753    1615479110 Jan 16  2007 #87536
br-S----w-   1 3071     64340    110, 196 Nov 24  2020 #87547
br-S--sr--   1 63389    63971    232, 105 Jan 22  1982 #87550
p--x-w-r-x   1 46890    192             0 Feb 15  1912 #87559
s-w--w-rwt   1 52473    55332    18446744071698623133 Nov 11  1978 #87560
c--x--s-w-   1 32353    35516    204, 119 Nov 23  1939 #87567
p-w----rw-   1 47072    23835           0 Mar 20  1967 #87572
srwSr-sr--   1 49670    39341    18446744072571858668 Jan 24  2024 #87584
prwS--xr-t   1 61557    52699           0 Jun  9  1942 #87595
brwSr-s-wT   1 53302    46617    244, 193 Jul 25  1965 #87602
prwxrwx-w-   1 760      18391           0 Jun 27  2019 #87603
b--s-wxr-T   1 43229    28397    215,  68 Nov 10  2003 #87605
s-w--wsr-x   1 5044     31270    18446744072836865466 Jun  5  1949 #87630
s-w-rwS-wx   1 61540    48337    1682587515 Jul 28  2002 #87640
br-srwsr-x   1 13510    51690    138, 231 Aug 30  2001 #87654
b--Sr-Srwt   1 43570    54985     21,  26 Feb 19  1979 #87675
drwxrwxrwx   2 root     root         1024 Dec  2 07:27 #98109

Ok.  I like a good challenge, but this is ridicules!!  As I haven't been able
to do anything with these entries.  I have noticed that the file "names" are
actually inode numbers - fsck *did* call them unlinked inodes...

Here's a (brief) synopsis of what I've tried:

> rm *
rm: cannot unlink `#85683': Operation not permitted
rm: remove write-protected file `#85688'? y
rm: cannot unlink `#85688': Operation not permitted
rm: remove write-protected file `#85731'? y
rm: cannot unlink `#85731': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot unlink `#85798': Operation not permitted
rm: remove write-protected file `#85803'? y
rm: cannot unlink `#85803': Operation not permitted

> pwd
> chmod 0000 *
chmod: #85683: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85688: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85731: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85798: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85803: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85804: Operation not permitted

> chmod 7777 *
chmod: #85683: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85688: Operation not permitted
chmod: #85731: Operation not permitted

> chown root:root *
chown: #85683: Operation not permitted
chown: #85688: Operation not permitted
chown: #85731: Operation not permitted

> lsattr *
lsattr 1.12, 9-Jul-98 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
lsattr: Operation not supported by device While reading flags on #85683
lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on #85688
lsattr: Operation not supported by device While reading flags on #85731
lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on #85798
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on #85803
lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on #85804
lsattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device While reading flags on #85845
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on #85846
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on #85856
lsattr: Invalid argument While reading flags on #85857

I *know* that I could wipe out /usr and re-install all of my packages,
but that seems a little drastic.  I've toyed around _very_ _carefully_
with lde and even tried using it to nix /usr/ fsck
caught the files and put them back (+1...I'm assuming it was the original
/usr/lost+found/ entry...)


Chuck Stickelman, Owner                 E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network Design                Voice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road                         FAX:    +1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

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