Carey Evans said
> > Well it's just gone from a weird, bothersome pain to a real problem.
> > I was upgrading some packages when I got some familiar error messages about
> > some file operations - "operation not allowed" or whatever...
> > So someone ***PLEASE*** tell me how I can force these files to go away.
> To get rid of the errors I got, I booted from the rescue disk and used
> debugfs to manually "rm" the directory entries, then ran fsck again to

It worked!!  Used debugfs (after coping a few binaries to my root partition,
and dropping down to single user mode) to remove the files.  Worked great!
Debugfs is a very nice tool.  Easy to use. 

> clean up the resulting mess.  If you don't have the backups that would
> let you reformat and restore, you should start making them or you'll
> regret it as much as I did when my drive went belly-up a year ago.
I *do* do backups.  I learned that lesson a long while ago.
However.  This partition was /usr and I don't back it up nearly as often
as some others - *everything* in /usr is from a Debian package.  Reinstall
the packages and the files are back.  If something bombs-out, I'll know.
(BTW, I did take note of *most* of the files that fcsk found the first time
around...those pacakages were re-installed first thing.)

> (Great Christmas present, that.)
Just when we're the busiest...bam, more headaches...

> Note that each of the bad files in lost+found is one (possibly
> essential) one that has disappeared from where it was supposed to be.
Again, it's easy to sovle issues in /usr - at least for us who run Debian.

> -- 
>        Carey Evans
>   Microsoft is the answer!  The question is, "Why did my PC crash?"

Thanks for the help!!  I'm glad to get those files gone.


Chuck Stickelman, Owner                 E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Practical Network Design                Voice:  +1-419-529-3841
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